The Nabovarsel magazine we are making has been getting a bit of attention in the press lately, and I’m only too happy to share…

For the new listeners: The nabovarsel magazine is a digital “zine”, which yours truly have been responsible for designing. We are in the process of releasing it to the public right now, and everybody is really excited.

The first interview we had was with Studvest, You can read it in its entirety right here:
Til Bladhyllene!

Then we had a nice chat with Natt&Dag’s HÃ¥vard Nyhus, read it here:
Edith PDF: Nabovarsel lanserer fanzine

Then Birgitte Mandelid from FAN Fanzine had a talk, and since they don’t work on the internets, you can read my pretty scan of the pages instead:

More interviews coming up as they appear in the wild!