Emilio from Nabovarsel (which is pretty much the club in town) approached me about making something to look at while dancing this saturday. I like to think he came to me just because I’m awesome, not because we go way back. Anyways, i drank from the sweet nectar of Adobe After effects for about three hours, and this is what i pooped out in the end.
The idea for the folding box came to me in my sleep last night, so Emilio’s timing was impeccable. I’m also going to hang up my DIY keytar-thing in the club, although it is not finished and not playable, is still looks like a bucket of nice.

Nabovarsel Visual from Jacob Lysgaard on Vimeo.

EDIT: the keytar pretty much comes apart in my hands, so no show this time. Better luck in a month.

Nabovarsel Visual from Jacob Lysgaard on Vimeo.